Broccoli Raab

Broccoli Raab is a green whose leaves, tender stems, and flowering head (that looks like a broccoli floret) can all be eaten ( even the little yellow flowers). This green has a wonderful slightly spicy flavor and should be cooked. It is very common in Italy and China so think of these cuisines when cooking. We love to cook sausage then add onions, garlic scapes and broccoli raab, cook for a few minutes and then braise for 10 minutes or so with either salted pasta water or stock and toss with pasta. Broccoli Raab is also known as broccoli rabe and rapini and it is loaded with vitamins and other nutrients.

Broccoli Raab Pizza

Broccoli Raab Brushcetta


Hon Tsai Tai

Hon Tsai tai is a relatively new green for us and we like it because it is good both cooked and raw. You can use the leaves, any tender stems and the yellow flowers. Chop and garnish your salads or sandwiches. Or throw into whatever you are cooking in the last few minutes until it is just wilted.