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CSA Week 6

This Week’s HarvestIMG_8917

Head Lettuce

Hakurei Salad Turnips






Golden Beets (tops off)

Green Bell Peppers

Swiss Chard

Zucchini and/or summer squash

Farm News

A surprise thunderstorm yesterday afternoon dumped an inch of rain on us and dampened our holiday plans (which had nothing to do with July 4 and everything to do with the farm). With rain scheduled at the end of the week we had planned out everything we needed to do before said rain. This included seeding sweet corn, staking and tying round 2 of tomatoes, planting round 3 of tomatoes, prepping fields for our fall crops, and weeding everything. It’s a real bummer that we lost 2 days we thought we had for this work.

But we certainly have had a productive week and accomplished the critical job of planting our winter squash! We are growing familiar varieties such as acorn and butternut as well as some more uncommon but incredibly tasty ones including delicata  and kuri. Planting is several step process. The field is disced, beds are made by hilling with discs, fertilizer gets applied, the beds get tilled, then plastic and drip tape for irrigation get laid. Then the planting can begin! There are so many steps- I only got pictures of fertilizing, tilling and the finished product.

Spreading fertilizer before planting
Tilling the beds
An acre of winter squash planted!

While writing about winter squash has me salivating for pumpkin bread and butternut squash soup, this week’s share has some incredible flavors. The cooler smelled amazing this week with the variety of aromatic vegetables! We hope you enjoy the flavors as much as we do!


Italian sausage with peppers and fennel

Broccoli and Swiss Chard Pizza

Roasted Beets, Carrots and Turnips (Roast the salad turnips in a separate pan because they cook faster)

Beet, Fennel and citrus salad


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