CSA Sign up Info


Sign up happens online HERE

First you must create an account with us in our Local Foods Marketplace account by clicking the button on our home page or this link. You’ll then sign up under the Subscription button on the menu bar or clicking CSA button at top of sign in page. Please read below to learn about our CSA program before signing up!

We are thrilled to have financial assistance available to members who qualify through FairShare PartnerShares program. You sign up and pay for your portion of CSA on FairShare’s website and we are notified when sign up comes in. FairShare can also process SNAP payment from CSA members! Click HERE to learn more and apply! Applications open January 15! If you are applying for a PartnerShare, select pay in full option but choose check as your payment type!! You will actually pay for your part through FairShare and then they will send us the check.

CSA sign up 101:

Step 1: Select how often you would like to receive a share. There are two options for delivery frequency:

  • weekly (20 boxes, scheduled to be delivered each week of our 20 week season) except for July 4 week, which we will take off (you can place delivery holds during the season)
  • biweekly (10 boxes, scheduled to be delivered every other week, but you will have the ability to pause delivery and/or reschedule a missed share to an “off” week)

All CSA boxes are the same size with a base cost of $32 / box. All of the produce contained in these boxes is certified organic and grown on our farm. Boxes are carefully curated by your farmers to include the best that week as to offer. Each delivery contains 8 to 12 vegetables.

Step 2: Select a pickup site. Use the dropdown menu to view location information on each pickup site.

  • If you would like to pickup your box at the farm you will receive a $4 discount per box. In order to select this option choose one of the subscription options with “farm pickup” indicated under the subscription options.
  • There is a $6 surcharge per box for home delivery. Based on the signups that we receive we will plan delivery routes that will accommodate as many members as possible. PLEASE NOTE: Addresses that are significantly off of our delivery route may be ineligible for home delivery. If your address is significantly outside of I-675 or north of I-70 please check with us first before signing up. Thanks!

Step 3: All members must create a secure, online member profile in order to sign up for a share. If you have any difficulty and need help signing up email Emily for assistance.

Step 4: Select your payment plan from one of the three following options:

Payment in full: By selecting this option you agree to pay in full when you sign up for the CSA. You can pay by credit card, send a check to the farm, or direct bank transfer.

Installment plan: Payment will be broken into three installments, but CSA is still paid in full by start of CSA. You will pay one third of your CSA total at the time of signup with additional payments due on or before May 1 and June 1. For example if you signed up on Feb 10 and your total came to $320 dollars, $106.67 would be due at signup, $106.66 would be due by May 1, $106.67 would be due by June 1. You can pay by credit card, send a check to the farm, or direct bank transfer.

Pay per box: With this option your credit card will be charged each week when you receive your box. You will not pay anything up front when you sign up for the CSA, but you will be committed to paying for your subscription throughout the CSA season. This is a good option if you have an irregular schedule and may need to miss a couple weeks of the CSA. Holds must be placed at least 3 days before your scheduled distribution day. PLEASE NOTE: You must pay by credit card so that your card can be automatically charged each week that you receive a box.

If you choose to pay by check please make your check out to “Mile Creek Farm” and mail your payment to:

Mile Creek Farm

10786 Mile Rd.

New Lebanon, OH 45345

Step 5: Before checking out you will need to agree to the payment and cancellation policy. Payment may be made electronically with your debit/credit card or by mailing a check. If you have selected a payment plan and choose to make payments electronically, then your information will be securely stored by our payment processor. You will be charged according to the schedule of your payment plan.

Step 6: If you are interested, you can donate to the PartnerShare program. Funds go directly to customers in need of financial assistance to offset the cost of the CSA. The donation amount is set at $5 but you donate more by increasing the quantity of this donation share. For example, if you select 3 has your quantity, you will be charged and donate $15 to the PartnerShare fund. Please note, this share is only done through credit card and at time of checkout. Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity to help us make delicious fresh organic food more accessible!

If you have any questions about the signup process do not hesitate to contact Emily 937-687-8762 (voice or text) or emily@milecreekfarm.com. Thanks!