CSA Terms and Conditions

Shared Risk, Shared Reward — We agree to provide our members with a weekly or biweekly box of certified organic produce grown on our farm throughout our 24 week season. We grow a diverse line-up of crops in order reduce the risks posed by unpredictable weather. Even with years of experience and specialized growing practices implemented to reduce risk, there is still the chance that we will experience crop shortages and/or failures. Likewise every year we have crops that exceed our expectations and our members receive these crops in greater number or with more frequency than we had originally planned. Our CSA customers are our first priority and will be the last to feel the effects of a shortage and the first to reap the benefits of a surplus.

Signing Up – When you sign up, a secure, online member profile is created for you with your share options, your pick-up location, and your account activity. You can view and edit your account, change your pick up location, credit card info, or password and even place a vacation or suspension hold just by signing in to your account.

Payments – Payments may be submitted via electronic bank transfer, credit card, or with a check mailed to the farm. If you select a payment plan you will be billed according to the schedule you select. We do not store any of your personal or financial information on our website. Our order site is run by Farmigo and your credit card transactions are processed by PayPal.

Home Delivery — In order to cover the additional costs associated with home delivery there is a $6 surcharge per box for this service. We ask for your understanding as we plan a delivery route that will accommodate as many members as possible. Addresses that are significantly off of our delivery route may be subject to an additional charge or may be ineligible for home delivery. Once we have our route figured out, we will let you know when to expect your box.

Picking Up Your Order – Please remember to pick up your order or have a friend or family member do so. When you pick up at your selected location, please sign next to your name.  We ask our members to do this so you can be sure you are on the list and scheduled for a box.

What To Do With Your Box – Please do not remove the green plastic share boxes from the pickup locations. We clean and reuse these boxes each week. We provide bio-degradable plastic bags or members may bring their own reusable bags to each site in order to package your share to take home.

Running Late or Missing Your Pick Up – If you are running late or have to miss your pick up, please call or text Emily at 937-687-8762. If you miss a pickup without contacting Emily your box will be brought back to the farm and will be held for one day. If we have not heard from you at this time your box will no longer be available for pickup.

Changing Your Pick Up Location – If you want to change your pick up location, please do so at least 48 hours before your scheduled pick-up time. If you switch and then want to switch back, you’ll need to log into your account again to do so.

Vacation and Suspension Holds – You may put your CSA delivery on hold by logging into your account. Please do so at least 48 hours before your scheduled delivery. In the event of a last-minute emergency please contact Emily at 937-687-8762 or emily@milecreekfarm.com.

Communications – We will communicate with you via email or text on a regular basis to inform you of a payment or to remind you of a scheduled pick up. Sometimes we will need to send out alerts about your order or inform you about happenings on our farm. By becoming a member of our CSA, you are agreeing to open and read all email communications as soon as you see them since much of the information is time sensitive.

Cancellations – There is a lot of risk in farming. We have to purchase seeds, fertilizer and supplies, heat the greenhouse and prepare the fields months before we will be able to sell any of the crops that we have been working to produce. We love the CSA model because we are able to receive payments when we have the greatest number of expenses. Our CSA members benefit because they always get the best of our certified organic produce. We rely on your season-long commitment, and agree to produce boxes for you throughout our 24 week season. For this reason we are not able to offer refunds once our season has begun. Please contact Emily at 937-687-8762 or milecreekfarm@gmail.com for more information.

Privacy Policy – We do not sell, rent or give our email list, customer list or any personal /financial information to anyone. EVER!

Thank You for joining our CSA. We look forward to growing produce for you!